Monthly Archives: May 2017

Tourist in Stockholm

A few words about the beautiful weather that finally has arrived. A week passes rapidly and I am alternating between doing little, necessary things, and relaxation. I am lucky, I must say. It is like summer in Stockholm. So, yesterday I went for an excursion in Stockholm. Since I am grown up in the countryside, there is always some sort of longing for nature when the weather is fine. And, even though Stockholm is a big city, there are green areas in center town.

I don´t know why, but I like water a lot. I like to watch boats passing by on the sea. Probably because there is some kind of liberty I connect with water. When I go bathing I just love to dive. The sentence of freedom. But, I did not do that yesterday. I just watched the boats and happy people on holiday.

Yesterday there was a big football game at Friends Arena in Stockholm and there were happy supporters from England and Scotland going to the game. I usually don’t watch football very often, but yesterday I did. I was so glad to see that Manchester United qualified for Champions League after being in European League.

Sharing a few photos from yesterday.

A week off

This week I have dedicated to relax, collect energy, and also to do little things that I never have time to do. Like yesterday, to upgrade to Sierra on my computer. That took hours. Computers are very complicated, but unfortunatly, unbearable in life today.

I am facinated by iCloud. To just talk about a cloud that has all my photos and information that I carry is facinating. My photos are in space somewhere. Clouds really are impressive. Both real clouds and cyberspace clouds.

A new terror attack has occured. This time in Manchester. The terrorists threat levels are increased. Their aim is to spread fear, according to me. How can this be prevented? To continue to live as usual, is my answer. And also hope that the security is increased at concerts, sports arenas and so on. The whole world has to stand together when these attacks occur because Manchester is in mourning.

To find energy in daily life is important. I find energy in exercise. Soon is Stockholm Marathon, but I will not participate this year. I ran a lot last year. This year I go for cycling. To save my knees and also the need for a change. Physiology during exercise is interesting. Right now I have reached some sort of level where I don´t improve. My body has responded and needs a different way of training. So I got some advice. To go faster and not so much pressure. To increase my pulse. Will see if there will be any improvements.

Below is a flower from last vacation at a tea plantation in Sri Lanka. So beautiful, and it gives me energy. Is it true that you can make tea from Hibiscus?

My questions

Biology is very much involved regarding finding love. No doubt about it. I actually don´t like to talk about it, because the magic about love disappears, but there are many studies showing the neurobiology (chemistry) underlying love. Several transmitter systems in the brain such as dopaminergic and serotonergic systems are clearly involved both in short term and long term emotions-commitments.

Life is not fair, and will never be, because that is nature. Woman definitely has her biological clock, whereas men don´t feel the same emotional pressure since he can become father til very late in life. Life is unfair, don’t you agree? And men are, undoubtly, aware about this fact.

Love is also something very personal and individual, and should be allowed to be so. Nature cannot be forced. I am very happy that I have dared to take my first steps to find my soulmate. And I talked about questions to be asked. I will continue to think about this, and fill in with more questions during the week.


What sports do you like?

What three female characteristics (personality traits) are you attracted to?

What makes you laugh?

Do you prefer dogs or cats, and can you explain why?

For how long have you been single, and how have you spent your time being single?

Are you faithful?

Time for relations

To be private but not too personal is so difficult since I don´t know who reads this! Ok, I just have to accept that I should write what I think of. I am rather open, and I hope I can continue to stay that way. But to share my private life, and my thoughts about true love, is difficult because that is so private.

It was a few years ago I went for date. Now I have started to go for dates again since I don´t wan´t to stay single for my whole life. Relations are difficult and sometimes scary. I feel like I am Bambi on ice. Thin ice. However, the change in climate helps. It is summer now, and the warmth is so nice. Makes me relax.

It takes time to build a relation. My challenge is that I think of the relations I have had before and it is so easy to fall back into that role. My life is different now, and I have to start from now and future instead of looking back. I follow my gut feeling a lot. Finding someone to like should not be a job interview. But, I will soon find some questions that I need answers for. In a way, it is good, because I learn something new about myself. With life experience comes different ways to see and interpret life from various angles.

I definitely know one thing. It has to be a man who like sports since I like exercise so much. It is important to have some common interests, I think. Will write more later.



Things happen in my life. I have more actively started to search for my soul mate. Such a challenge. This has lead me to ask myself what I really care for. I will continue later to write about this difficult, daring subject. And be more specific. However, one important character has emerged, namely, charm. Laughter.

Charm is very important, to smile, to laugh. That prolongs life, it is said. I think. It makes you feel good. My love life has been zero during several years. I think I have needed this time to reflect. So, soon I will continue to write about the most difficult topic in life.