Monthly Archives: December 2020

The fourth Sunday of Advent 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️

Weekend before Christmas in extrordinary times. In Corona times like this, you need to be able to improvise. To live life and do the very best you can. It would be interesting to listen to somebody who has experienced the Polio pandemic. Like grandmother used to tell about life when she grew up.

The Swedish government has introduced new recommendations with regard to Covid-19. However, the spreading of the virus will certainly reduce when the vaccine is available. And it is already available, I have noticed. The newly elected American president Joe Biden has been vaccinated, whereas the French president Emmanuel Macron was unlucky since he has contracted the Corona virus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.

Meanwhile, I improvise. I started Christmas by making the delicacy: Jansson’s temptation. Mixed potatoes with onions, anchovies and cream. It took some time since I boiled the potatoes in cream and milk. Then the owen for a while. Tasty, and in addition, cosy.  Good to get reminded of previous season holidays. In these times it is perfect to revive memories. Perhaps you get inspired!

Stay safe and stay tuned 🐾

C’est sérieux – la deuxième vague 🇫🇷

La vie continue malgré le virus, et je continue avec le sport. Il y a des routines strictes au centre sport. On est pas autorisé y aller si on n’êtes pas en bonne santé à 100%. C’est très bien, je pense. J’y suis allée ce soir. La bicyclette comme d’habitude.

Nous sommes en Décembre et j’essaye de trouver un esprit de Noël. Hier soir, j’ai fait cuire des “lussekatter – des chats” avec du safran. Quand j’étais en France, nous faisons la cuisine pour Noël, mais c’était trop compliqué car je n’avais pas l’habitude d’un four à gaz. Difficile avec la température. Le résultat était beau à regarder mais beaucoup trop difficile à goûter. C’est devenu une décoration de Noël. Quand même. Je voudrais partager une photo des “lussekatter”, mais pour l’instant j’ai des problèmes avec l’ordinateur. Cependant, ces chats peuvent être mangés!

J’essaye de suivre des actualités Française. A Noël il y aura beaucoup des restrictions, comme leur voisine l´Allemagne. Cet après-midi, j’ai fait une petite promenade et c’est vraiment très populaire d’avoir des chiots. J’ai vu au moins trois chiots. Comme en France! J’aimerais bien parler un peut, mais pas maintenant à cause de Corona. Vous savez que j’adore avoir ma photo avec des chiens.

Bonne soirée et rester en sécurité 🐾

Polio – from pandemic to endemic

When I finished school I remember I was so happy that I would never do any home work again. No more exams. No rehearsals. But no. I was so wrong. You always need to keep and stay updated with news, laws etc in society. Very important, especially now during the Corona restrictions. I spend quite a lot of time to read and I love languages. I was happy that I remembered some Norwegian, and today I thought I should write some in French 🇫🇷. I just have to think for a while. French is unique since you can say almost anything, but writing is something completely different. France is having very strict Corona rules during Christmas time.

Immunology is a very interesting field. Today there are several biological drugs commercially available interfering with specific immunological systems in the body in chronic diseases. Our body needs a healthy defence against eg microbes if we get a wound. Complicated chemical cascades get activated to protect the body. Among those inflammation. Also against a virus. In the late 1940s there was a peak of Polio. This Polio virus sometimes generated severe neurological symptoms. Some people did only have flue like symptoms such as sore throat, head ache, vomiting, fatigue etc. The emergency rooms took care of patients with eg loss of reflexes, muscle aches or weakness, loose and floppy limbs. Similar to today where COVID-19 instead affects our lungs. Even though these viruses are not alike, it is interesting to compare the development for hampering and preventing these diseases. Polio is today almost eradicated, but a couple of countries still work actively with vaccines. From pandemic to endemic. For further reading, please read and browse:

It is indeed important to know medical history. That can be useful in understanding current viral medical challenge. Education is important, but sometimes you need some rest from this pandemic. That is also important. I try to get into a Christmas mood, and this evening I made a saffron cake. Sharing some educational cheering up with John Cleese.

Stay safe 🐾

The second Sunday of advent 🕯️🕯️

Try to remember December 2019. At that time the Corona virus was already present in China. A 33-year-old doctor was the first to raise the alarm in late December because he had made SARS-like symptoms observations at the hospital. Dr. Li returned to work and, unfortunately, contracted the virus from an asymptomatic glaucoma patient in early January. Soon after, he started coughing, became febrile and was hospitalized due to COVID-19. He became a national hero for his attempts to warn the public. “There should be more openness and transparency”, he said.

Please, read the Lancet:

A lot has happened since then. The Corona has generated a pandemic. A lot of people have passed away. Some get infected and recover but still have complications such as breathing problems. People work from home and that seems to turn out very well. The digital life is increasing, including digital social life. Digital development has indeed saved us from being in a much worse situation. But, we are human beings and we need social relations. Personally, I am in quarantine as much as possible. Very boring but necessary. I am happy about the Corona routines at my training center. I feel rather safe and I can continue with sports.

Furthermore, I have my writing that I love. This is part of my life, and will so be. Since I have scientific medical education, I share some of my analysis to you. What is interesting is the EU:s acting. They have been rather quiet. Is this due to law? Anyway, Great Britan seem to get the vaccine faster since they only have to argue with themselves. The EU, on the other hand, has to make an agreement with all 27 countries.

The second Sunday of Advent is today and I will light candles. It is peaceful with candles. I do not know why, but I thought of Mr Bean yesterday, and I saw an interview with him from the Graham Norton Show that I would like to share today.

Stay safe 🐾



But the other way around

Sathurday means candy treat, and in my case, that is chocolate. It was possible to go for exercise today and thereby, I can have chocolate without bad conscience. Or should I? Wrote some yesterday about biology affecting economy. When Fredrik Reinfeldt was Prime minister of Sweden, he often spoke in terms of Sweden as a limited company. Perhaps he was right. We do not know much about Swedish Corona economy, but it seems like we are doing well since there are no limits regarding eg anti body testing.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I have tought training to look forward to. Today strength, and tomorrow indoor cycling. Wish me luck! Browsed for some music, and since Robyn sang for Nobel peace price in Oslo 2010, I continue with Robyn. Soon December the 10th. Enjoy.