Category Archives: Uncategorized


Today has been a beautiful day. I put some old clothes on, and went for jogging. I was at my parents house. I have most of my clothes left there. To be honest, I find it very difficult to throw clothes. Or give a way. I put them in a box and I leave them there. I have memories connected to clothes. I suppose that is why I want to keep them. I like fashion a lot. I like following trends. However, most of my clothes are timeless so not so much fashion. But it is the fantasy of the designers that impress me. Creativity. Colours, type of material etc.

I follow the news as usual. Right now I read about a big scandal at Karolinska Institutet. About research. Something is fishy. I cannot say anything because it feels like I don´t have all information. But it is serious. Really serious. Because what is needed to be defined is “what is research?”. Research, according to me is to have a hypothesis (Professor Carlsson) to be tested by means of various methods. You have a result. Negative or positive. You make conclusions and suggest further research. And you have to publish your research so other researchers can refer to your findings. Yes, something is fishy.



Yes, it was very confusing for me to write in Swedish last night. So I better continue to write in English. To express yourself can sometimes be very difficult. To have a feeling and not be able to put words on that feeling.

Tonight is Friday. I just have an early evening. Taking care of myself. Preparing myself for tomorrow. To be honest it takes a lot of energy to always be on top mood. I rarely get angry or upset, to talk about emotions. And I like to smile. Have to remember my smiling campaigne. So a little something to eat and a good nights sleep will make me smile. A lot!



Ikväll skriver jag på svenska för ovanlighetens skull. Jag vet ju inte hur många eller vilka som läser det här men det kanske är några som är svensktalande. Kåseri är ett ganska intressant begrepp. Att skriva om någonting som berör, reflektera över händelser etc.

Att vara kvinna i dagens samhälle är en utmaning. Kvinnor som hjälper kvinnor är väldigt vanligt i Sverige. Jag har fått så oerhört mycket stöttning av väninnor genom tider så jag vet inte vad jag skulle göra om jag inte hade haft väninnor. Så kvinnor som hjälper kvinnor är fantastiskt. Vet inte hur mitt liv hade sett ut om jag inte hade haft stöttning av mina medsystrar.

Ikväll så var jag på Barre. Väldigt roligt måste jag säga. Att bejaka sin kvinnlighet. Att få vara ballerina för en kväll. Tyvärr, eftersom jag lever ensam, så har jag lärt mig att jag måste kunna en del självförsvar. I kontrast till kvällens Barre. Det ger på något sätt en form av trygghet. Kanske falsk trygghet. Men livets kontraster ger mycket krydda. Och vad vore livet utan salt och peppar?

Märkligt att skriva på svenska. Har blivit så van vid engelska. På något sätt har det blivit lättare att uttrycka mig på engelska. Nästa gång fortsätter jag skriva på engelska. Och tills dess önskar jag dig allt gott!



Since it is February and it is very dark and cold in Stockholm there is not much to do but to focus on work out. The days pass rapidly. There is however some sun some days, and that makes me smile.

I have some muscle pain from Sunday´s running. It was such a long time since I run so that means I use other muscles. I got very happy because I didn´t think I could run at the same speed as previously so now I will try to find something similar to Hässelby loppet. I liked that a lot. Always good to have a goal to head for.

No more to say tonight. So have a nice evening!



Today I have a day off and I have realized that it is already February. My father has had birthday and he wanted to go to the movie with my mother last weekend. We went to “Folkets hus” in Heby. He wanted to see “En man som heter Ove”. A Swedish movie, from a book.

Since I am grown up in the countryside, I had to travel to high school every day to Heby. It was a bit nostalgic to go to Folkets hus because I remember that when I left high school we did a show. I was involved in something connected to tennis. Long time ago.

Ok. Today I have to take care of my muscles. I have some pain after running. However, I am happy that I had no problem running 9 kilometers. So I am preparing for more exercise tonight.




I follow the news very closely. I have, however, noticed that it is difficult to learn what happens in the world. From what I understand there are very good news from Iran. Agreements in Paris that are very positive. I am very happy about that. So, no news from me this week due to bad internet.

Today I made some cinnamon rolls. For fika. No skiing due to no snow. Walks. Long walks. I just love fresh air.
