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Behavio(u)ral Economics

Right now I am visiting my parents. No sunshine but winter is beautiful. There is definetely occation for cross country skiing. We have always feed birds during winter so there are various birds outside my window. I like the “Domherre” with their red front. Talgoxar are also beautiful. Very colourful and bright.

There is an economical forum in Davos where global leaders meet to discuss economical issues. Recently I have been thinking about economics, and the expression “Behavioural economics” crossed my mind. That is interesting because of the combination of biology and economy. What makes you do the shopping you actually do? Planned shopping versus unplanned shopping. Or both.

Last time I wrote about economics, I wrote about the “economical synapse” with special emphasis on economical autoreceptors with different feed back loops and interactions. This time, I write about behavioural economics. It is interesting because I connect my biological knowledge with economics. This is what I have learnt from mentors Professor Carlsson (autoreceptor) and Professor Engel (behaviour). From a citizen´s point of view; a few noticable changes have occured in Sweden with regard to economy 2016. We have new bills. Of particular interest is the new 200 SEK bill. That is like in Norway. So for me it is like a monetary union with Norway. Another change is that the medicin is free for children younger than 18, also like in Norway. I am just waiting for Sundays off. That would be very good because we need a day off for recovery. To harmonize society with biology. When I was in Norway I heard that Gyllenhammar suggested a fusion between Norway and Sweden in the early 1970´s.

However, it should be noted that Norway is not a member of the European Union. Schengen treaty is used instead. This collaboration developed after the second world war and is a kind of peace treaty. Today is different. The world has changed a lot since then and I rather talk about Europe. This because I believe decisions should be taken as close to people as possible. Subsidiarity principle. Like in Sweden; where “Landstinget” is not needed because that can be held by “Kommuner” instead.

Another argument of talking about Europe is that this will generate a better so called “flow” between various countries. And not just Europe, but also with other countries in the world. I have used the word “étanche” and that is a very good description of what I refer to. A free trade between countries generates peace.

From what I understand there is a lot of talk about 4th industrial progress. Industry meeting biology. Biology is one of my main interests in life and I have a very interesting example where biology meet industry. A memory I have from school.

In England in the 19th century, I think, they started to use charchoal. That generated a lot of new possibilities. A new kind of enery made a lot of things possible such as the use of machines to make production faster. However, a lot of environmental effects were observed. There was a butterfly that could hide from birds when it landed on white birches. The butterfly had the same colour as the tree and could thereby hide from birds. No dinner for the birds. However, the charchol made the birches black and this was a great problem for the butterflies because they were white. The birds had the butterflies for dinner. This environmental pressure made som biological change for the butterlies. They could change colours and harmonize with the colour of the black birches. The butterflies became black and could thereby survive.

This is a very happy story I think. How the butterflies could adapt to environmental changes and survive. Industry interacting with biology.

Wishing you all a happy Sathurday!



Words. Synonyms. Expressions. Languages. Culture. Colours. Environment. Water. Energy. As you know I like languages a lot. I love to write. If you would choose a word of favorite; what word would you choose? Right now and today my favorite word is people. I think there is a magazine called People. Long time ago I read it.

Stockholm is very winter today. Blue, bright sky. Cold. Wishing you a Happy Friday!


To keep up the good work…

…is definetly a challenge this time of the year. I think it depends a lot on no light. It is well known that there are endogenous hormones regulating the circadian rhythm and they are associated with daylight. No doubt that they are affected.

So to attend exercise class demands some kind of discipline. To put the extra clothes on since it is so cold. To find a hat and gloves. Carefully walk on ice. Think of not falling. And at the same time, as I do a lot, go window shopping. The great reward is to attend the class, have fun and listen to good music. Some music makes me smile a lot. Happy music. Music stimulates the brain reward system as well as the actual exercise do. In conclusion, it makes the body feel good.

Right now I don´t have much more to write. I wish you all health and a prosperous January.






Music is one of the best things in the world, I think. Music unites. This week David Bowie passed away. I have some music of him that I sometimes listen to. Some of his songs are just great. My favorite song is “Heroes”. I don´t know why, but it gives a lot of energy.

You know that I went to Cuba a few years ago. I don´t know much Spanish. I cannot speak Spanish, just know a few words. But I understand quite a lot. I ended up almost a week at a beautiful Island where I made a lot of friends. Cuban friends. We couldn´t speak but one thing that united was ABBA. So we made a lot of jokes because ABBA was the only thing that we could mutually understand. Me grown up in Sweden. They grown up in Cuba. So ABBA was a very good way to understand each other.

I also learnt that becoming a musician was the finest profession that you could ever have in Cuba. I fancy that a lot. Even better than medical school.

Today winter is beautiful in Stockholm. I just made some fish for meal. I have followed the news, and I feel a bit embarrassed of Swedish politics. I think there must be some change. Maybe that you have, at least, a university degree to represent the Parliament. I feel ashamed.

This is the time of the year when it is good to go to cinema. It is cold and it is dark. When I studied in Uppsala I went rather often to movie. This cinema was my favorite. Close to Norrlands Nation by Fyrisån. Remember I saw Pulp Fiction there. Great memory!




Some words

It is so cold. Think it must be about -20 degrees Celsius. Right now it is difficult to believe that the opposite can exist. Tropical evenings. The definition of tropical is, I think, that it has to be more than 20 degrees Celsius.

I really don´t know who reads my writing. I know my father reads this sometimes. My family follow what I do. However, I write like it is my diary. I have learnt to be open. That is complicated, having a private and a public “gard”. Somehow, I have figured out that it is very difficult to have something private.

Tonight will be an early evening. Preparing for BodyCombat tomorrow. That will be really good.

Take care,





Today is the end of holidays. After some days off life is turning to ordinary life again. It is very cold in Stockholm. Snowy. Windy. Dark. And you have to be careful when you walk to not fall on ice.

So, no big news. All decoration is gone and I am thinking of plans further on in my life. Learning Instagram. My biggest challenge right now.
