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Sometimes I just need to rest for a while to find new inspiration. So my life has consisted a lot about work and sleep. No exercise, but soon, again…
It is rather warm in Sweden. Summer. Soon a year ago I started to write in public. I remember I didn’t know what my writing would turn out to. I have written a few poems and I will write more but right now I just gather new energy for more writing. When I write I need to have a feeling for writing.

I also think about my theoretical pharmacology. When time is ready I will continue. I think a lot about if there is a balance between Dopamine and Acetylcholine. Like Yin and Yang. Nature works best in balance? Today dopamine stabilizing agents are in clinical practice. Agonist and antagonist working in balance. Here, again, balance is crucial. Logically, there could be agents stabilizing muscarinic and nicotinic receptors.

Opposites attracts! Like plus and minus give zero.

I have written quite a lot this year, almost like my memoires. I have studied a lot during years and I have felt that I need to share my interpretations (of Life).

Ok, all for now. Soon Midsummer in Sweden. The most celebrated weekend during the whole year.


Je t’embrasse,



Hi friends!

A while since I wrote, but I have been busy getting into my new job. I work at a very nice pharmacy in Stockholm. This weekend I spent at my parents house. Lovely to see summertime flower. Ok, that was a very short hello from me. Write more later 😉



Hi there!

Always difficult; Swedish or English. But, I suppose English is most convenient. To be honest, I have been very afraid of writing. I have been afraid of internet freedom. That is why I haven’t written so much. To conclude, that is also something serious. That is a big take home message to governments. If a citizen feels afraid of writing. That is serious.

Internet freedom is something to be serious about. Something that concerns a citizen of a country.

So, tonight, I will only give you some pictures from my journey to Gothenburg (Göteborg). Since I have lived there for many years, I know the city by heart. Something to recommend is a tour with Paddan, as I did. You get nice boat ride and also a historical summary of the county.

Lots of love,




Jag är tillbaka i Stockholm efter en resa till Göteborg, Lund och Malmö. Det är så härligt att resa och se det vackra landskapen passera. Särskilt denna årstid. Det är så otroligt fint väder nu, till skillnad från det förra inlägget då det bara regnade. Men det är vackert när det regnar på sommaren. Sommarregn.

Just denna vecka så håller jag och uppdaterar mig på författningar inom apoteksvärlden. Det var en stund sedan jag jobbade på apotek och då är det ju bra med repetition.

Ha en bra dag!




The nice Provence weather has disappeared. Rather warm, more like a rain season period. Exercise again. Body combat. I like body combat. I have practiced Aikido previously, but this is different. A combination of various Asian combat sports. Maybe not so Lady like, but it is very good to know how to defend yourself. Aikido is a very interesting sport from a philosophical point of view. Energy transformation.

Last night I read about my theoretical pharmacology. I will continue to work on my thoughts. What I have written is a concentrate of life experience. Aikido has influenced my thoughts. Energy in the universe.

To relieve something personal; I have always been able to see how “things” are connected to each other. I have always read a lot. If you don’t have knowledge you cannot create anything new. If I would make some kind of summary, I feel very humble to life. I wish people learn more about biology.

Health is very important for me. That includes many aspects. I will elaborate more later, another day. Today I made my own bread. That is life quality. And since it is weekend I treated myself with some chocolate. Woman´s best friend.


Lots of love,
