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(Fe)male perspectiv of preserving fertility – from an economical social point of view

I am now in my room where I grew up. Yes, I have read many evenings here. I remember my cousin saw light in my window when she walked the dogs at night.

My lecture is divided into two parts:

A. Social aspect of womans biological role

B. Health economical aspect

My life is in the hands of biology. I have tried to make the best I can out of my life. I have tried to live my life as ethical as possible. Since I am in a fertile age, I cannot help stop thinking about fertility. It would be interesting to know how fertility teaching is in school. I really hope that men learn that women have a biological clock. This is natures decision.

Unfortunately, since men don’t have the same pressure as women, men should somehow learn how it feels to have this biological pressure. A big task for school is to learn pupils to respect nature. Men must learn to take care of their women. Fortunatley, this don´t apply for everybody 😉

Personally, I feel a lot of pressure. It sometimes is so overwhelming so I just quit thinking of having a familiy. Dog is still mankinds best friend. It is somehow, a way to protect myself of going under. Since I always have had dogs, I know that I can always count on them. And they love walks!

How can we make men understand that women suffer a lot of the knowledge of the biological clock? And that love is a keyword.

Preserving fertility like I have done is definetly not a guarantee.

You can give nature a helping hand with a careful and sensitive tone. In that way there is a responsible development of cuiriosity.

Yes, this is a candle light lecture. A room in shadow with ideas waiting to be tested and challenged. I love the way the candles follow the slow wind.

Let’s continue.

Since I have a human platform, I consider womans social situation first. I have many sisters that I know have the same thoughts as I do. So sisters should help each other. Collaborate.


Second part.

The second aspect is from a so called “wealth of nations” aspect.

When a drug is developed in a pharmaceutical company it is not just to make a new drug. One important aspect is to see if you (frankly) can make any money. There has to be a market.

The same rules apply to an egg bank. Yes. It is an egg bank. And I do not find it unethical to have an egg bank. An egg bank makes it easier for an industry to get the most out of their employees. And maybe, most importantly, it generates a lot of money for society in general. I have read and listened to some research that support this view. We need new tax payers 😉

This is all for now. See you soon!

Je t’embrasse,




Tidlös, men ändå inte

Kanske kryptiskt skrivet. Men på något sätt så sammanfattar det hela mig just nu. Jag får ibland bara ett starkt behov av att stanna till för att livet inte ska gå vidare i fel riktning. Reflektion. Självrannsakan. Oerhört svårt och jobbigt. Utvecklande. Tufft.

Det kan man kanske inte tro om mig. Men så är det ibland. Så har jag alltid varit. Inneboende driv. Hjälper mig att samla styrka, fokus och framförallt koncentration. Svårt. Utmanande.

Dessutom är jag på diet. Så jag känner mig verkligen som en… Ja, vad ska jag säga. Nunna kanske? Kloster. Ja, det var det där med impulskontroll. Att tänka efter före. Tråkigt? Ja. Dygd.





Je t’embrasse,


(PS. Skrev detta igår, men det försvann. Antar att hackers har sportlov…)

Right now.

Again, proud of Swedish cross country skiing! I have no words. Just that I miss snow in Stockholm.

Focusing a lot right now on getting into good shape. A big challenge. You may know that I am found of sweets. Huge chocolate craving once a month… Yes, that is true. I cannot have a life without chocolate, that is for sure. But I am trying to reduce my consumption of sweets, which is very difficult.

My project right now is to write about my candle light lecture. And spinning.


Je t’embrasse,




Life moves on

Hi there, long time no see.

I am so happy to read about the Swedish cross country team achieving a gold medal today. Feel sorry that we don’t have any snow in Stockholm. I do a lot of exercise anyway. Every day now. And that means that I get pretty tired. Takes time for the body to recover.

Tomorrow spinning. I don’t understand why I am so found of music and sports. However, it is known that they stimulate your brain reward system. Makes me feel good.

Je t’embrasse


Biological responsibility

I am really concerned that I didn´t get much response on my previous writing. That makes me feel bad.

However, I will continue to write on this subject, and hopefully, I will get some discussion. Tonight Swedish news talked about stem cell research. The researcher who presented was very eager about hen research. I got really upset. I am very worried about the fast development in this field. I am worried because the progress is to fast. I am sure that in 10 generations people will regret about this research moving on too quickly.

I remember I saw, I think it was 12, something, years ago, Parkinson patients received a stem cell transplant with a not so happy ending. I really would like research to progress and I know there are several pharmaceutical companies competing about developing new drugs. You have to be in the frontline to be successful. But, I really would like to underline; that playing with human genome is something that needs very slow elaboration. Because you may do something that generations will regret later.

Maybe that is similar with Eve tasting the forbidden fruit.

Again, impulse controlling functions are important.

What about me? Saving my fertility. First of all, my situation is rather unique. I have had two depressions, and I havn´t been lucky enough to meet the right man. A man who is ready for responsibility. I feel very sad for that. Secondly, you might find me picky. Maybe that is true, but I would like to have my heart to be part of finding love. I am sure, if my heart is not with me on this journey, I will sooner or later divorce. And it is well known that children are not happy when parents divorce. My parents have been married for 40 years. I am very glad that may parents still are together.

Money cannot buy happiness, remember that.


Des bissous et bon nuit,








Kvällens rubrik är oerhört viktig tycker jag. Det är dessutom ett väldigt svårt ämne att skriva om. Just därför att man kan diskutera i all oändlighet om det. Vad innebär ansvar för Dig?

Svårt att hitta ett vettigt exempel. Vad ska jag ge för exempel? Om du till exempel ser en aluminiumburk som ligger alldeles vid en papperskorg, vad gör du då? Tar du upp burken och lägger den på sin plats eller tycker du att staten ska göra det?

Jag slutar att skriva för ikväll. Det här är ett ämne som jag vill återkomma till. Jag skulle väldigt gärna få förslag på vad ansvar innebär för dig. Hur mycket ansvar ska du själv ha och hur mycket ansvar tycker du staten ska ha? Och i så fall, hur ska begreppet stat definieras. Det blir lite moment 22 på något sätt.

Je t’embrasse



Hej igen!

Det här är ju ett så pass svårt ämne att skriva om så jag måste fundera mer. Jag har fått en kommentar:


Så intressanta frågor Du ställer. Ansvar är, som jag ser det, att ta eget indivuduellt ansvar för sina handlingar. Samt, att uttrycka sin uppfattning inför andra, även om de andra inte önskar höra detta: Stort tack för att Du ställer denna fråga. 


Jag hoppas att det är fritt att göra tolkningar. Om jag ska “översätta” kommentaren ovan så är det frihet under ansvar. Det här gör ämnet ännu mer komplext och tillspetsat eftersom man då börjar att tangera den så kallade fria viljan.

Jag såg ett program av Professor Arvid Carlsson och där berörde han ett viktigt ämne; nämligen att för att det ska kunna ske några världsliga förbättringar så måste vi förstå hjärnans funktion bättre. Han menar att det fortfarande finns mycket kvar, evolutionärt sett, av den så kallade reptilhjärnan. Jag kan ha hört fel.

Om jag får ge en tolkning så har ju hjärnan utvecklats i många dimensioner under en obegripbar lång tid. Om jag får spekulera, så spelar de impulskontroll reglerande transmittor systemen en mycket stor roll i utvecklandet från reptilhjärna. Där torde bland annat de serotoninförande neuronen spela en stor roll. Kanske rent utav avgörande roll?

Nu är det fredag kväll och helg. Förhoppningsvis så får jag möjlighet att åka längdskidor i helgen. Det finns tydligen mycket snö.


Bon weekend,
