
Home writing today. Cosy. Read the newspaper and it tells a lot about Sweden’s dark history in Uppsala.

I have thought a lot about it during many years. And I have not been able to put it into words. Maybe because there are many Swedes not knowing about their own history. Therefore, it is not easy to tell. This should be handled by Swedish government.

Personally, it is difficult. I am grown up in the countryside in Sweden and I don´t know much about my Indian background. I have spent quite a lot of time in the north part of Sweden when my grand mother was alive. My brother and I went skiing a lot. So I know the mountains by heart in Tärnaby. Especially, rather difficult and challenging, Ingemar backen. I remember the view from the top was wonderful. Ryfjället.

Swedish government has more or less neglected the people in the North part of Sweden. However, a first step was initiated by establishing a parliament for the lappish people. Maybe, at that time, that was the best decision. A way to acknowledge.

Decades have passed. Time has changed. My wish is that Swedish government will work for integration.

For me it is difficult since I am not grown up in the lappish culture. I know a little. The photo above shows were I am grown up. I see this his fine piece of history every time I walk the dogs at my parents house.

Ok. All for today. Wishing you a relaxing Sunday. I made some bread. Always nice to have home made cooking, don´t you agree?

Lots of love from Anna



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