Is Italy my new France?

I have always been found and interested in France. The language, kitchen, nature, culture, literature, history… I can not end this list. In brief, France is beautiful. But, as I previously wrote, I have started to think about Italy, especially during my mothers passing away. I  also remembered the Italian couple on Cuba recommending Nespresso coffee. Currently, I am learning about Italy and I am becoming more and more convinced that I will visit other parts of Italy in the future. Since it was such a rare feeling I had when my mother passed away, I am looking forward to visit the Vatican.

I write a lot during my spare time. And this visit to Rome will help me to find inspiration to write. When I did my PhD studies we went to some scientific meetings in various cities in the world. In particular, I remember Paris. There was a gathering in a beautiful golden hall an evening in the middle of Paris. People from all over the world participated in that congress on alcohol. In the beginning there was some mingle, and a man did portraits of the guests by cutting a black paper. He did mine. I might have a rare logo on this blog, but that is where it comes from.

My writing is very much influenced by science, and that is the reason why I have this logo. To remember. And also, that it actually was in France my interest in writing novels emerged. Now I seek to compare France and Italy. Maybe I will learn Italian. I listen to music and watch movies. But I understand, France and Italy cannot be compared. They are like apples and pears.

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