Strength, yoga and Swedish Hara-Kiri

A week has passed, and this is my headline for the current week. I am working on getting into better shape. Slowly. Previously, I have focused a lot on cardiac work-out. I somehow like to have my adrenaline going, and I still do. However, muscles help you to keep a good posture. Therefore, I have started to put on some more weight. Just a little to challenge my muscles. The lactic acid tickles the nerves in my muscles. Step by step, I am improving.

Yesterday, I went for some yoga. Very good since I really need some stretch. Some people say that it is important to stretch after work-out, and some people say it is not necessary. I prefer stretching but sometimes there is not enough time for stretching. Yoga is very difficult and tough. I like it very much since there is a position called the dog pose. And you know that I love dogs. I am very interested in breathing techniques such as using your nose properly when inhaling and exhaling. A balancing act between your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. However, I got very tired and realized that I need to focus more on stretching and yoga. Breathing does have an impact on how you feel and experience your body.

When I go for a workout I like the music as well. Lately, there has been a song that I couldn´t find. I liked the whistling very much. Couldn´t stop thinking about it. Surprisingly, I found it when watching the movie Top gun: Maverick, and of course, I share the song since you probably would like to know the tune.

Ending this week´s writing by saying that I feel sorry for the police who lost his life. From what I understand, he had no support and was alone with a lot of pressure. No matter what he did, human life is extinguished.

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