Author Archives: Anna

Hi fellows!

Hope you are fine. Middle of January. Still no snow, rain, rain and rain again. What am I up to? Work takes a lot of time. And also exercise. I have, as I might have written previously, always exercised more or less in periods. Simply because it is fun. One of my favorite interests in life. Thinking of learning a new sport. To try something new.

So, that was just a few words from me. January is a rather dull month. However,  today´s weather gave hope. Have a nice evening.



Early morning. A little sleepy. I have this weekend off, so I will soon go for training. Hairdresser this afternoon. Read today´s newspaper and a lot is written about what has happened in Paris. It is still very difficult to understand such an action.

One of my own personal advices that I try to follow to become a better person is that:

“Sometimes it is good to look back to be able to move forward in life”

That is very important. So this morning I thought of my journey I made alone to New York where I visited the United Nations. I hope that progresses for peace can be made.

I like this photo. See you soon again.

Friday evening

Hi! Just writing a little tonight. I must remember that I have followers from various countries, so, as I wrote previously, I try to write as often as I can in English. Stockholm is not winter like at all. Christmas is almost over. Soon time to remove all decorations.

I have followed the news this week and I very feel sorry for what has happened in Paris. It is a huge tragedy. For families and to society in general. A threat to an open community. It is still very difficult to understand. But I hope violence will not generate violence.

It has been a busy week. I enjoy just to stay at home tonight. Watch TV. This week I have thought a lot about breast cancer. How important it is to have a check-up. In Sweden all women have the possibilities to go for screening of breast cancer and also uterus cancer. Or rather cell changes. To identify changes at an early stage so proper treatment can be introduced.

This weekend I will spend at home. You may have noticed that I like sports quite a lot. I have always been more or less active. Walks, spinning, different work out classes. But, unfortunately, no skiing. Yet. This year.

Ok. All for tonight. And have a nice weekend!



New Year

I had my birthday a few days ago. And to admit, I am not that found of celebrating my birthday. But today I had a little birthday party with my parents. My brother lives in south of Sweden so it is not so easy for him to join.

Will spend my day writing. And I promised to write a little something for you tonight.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!




Hi again!

It is a beautiful day in Stockholm. A fresh day with a little snow. I would like to ski but not enough snow. You might have noticed that I follow the news as much as I can. I know countries where there is limited information. Étanche in French.

A new government was elected in Sweden a few months ago. It didn´t really work out so a new election was suggested in March next year. However, somehow, all political parties (there are eight political parties in Sweden to the best of my knowledge), ok, not everybody, cooperated for an agreement. To conclude, there will not be a new election, and in a way that is good because the government saves money. That is we, citizens. Tax payers.

I believe that it is important to follow political changes, because that affects your and my daily life. If one is not allowed to talk about politics and if you are not allowed to make jokes about politics. I interpret that as a very dangerous situation. To make jokes about things is a way of dealing with life and events. I remember when I was in France that there was a special show about politics. A puppet show. Very good. There were jokes and in the same time at a high intellectual level. Clever and intelligent.

I miss a similar show in Sweden.

My analysis of politics in Sweden right now is that a new generation of people is growing. It is different from the generation after second world war. My parents generation. Times, possibilities, availabilities, life values have changed. This is the political challenge. To understand this and understand how to deal with it.

Ok. I just felt that I had to write. Because I like my country a lot. And I feel that there are political decisions that may affect future life a lot. In a bad way.

All for now. I will continue to write my book. I have some candles lit, a cup of the and English fruit cake in front of me. My life right now in a nutshell. See you tomorrow!

Lots of love from Anna