Daily Archives: 11 November, 2019

Snowy countryside

First snow. Always fun. It is nice to stay outdoors for a few hours, and then stay indoors infront of an open fire. I went for jogging today and then walk with sweetie. She is getting to know the new dog Molly. Molly is too little to go for walks on the road, she is in the forest instead.

It is difficult with names. Morris was suggested, but that is a male name. Then I thought of Morissa, but it is too long. Then Morran came up. Morran (or Mårran) is one of the characters in Mumindalen. However, Molly is her name in the passport that she was given in Tirana, Albania. This is now the most popular name for dogs in Sweden. And Lady & Molly sounds good. Both names have the letter L. Easy to call for them.

They are now very good friends.