Monthly Archives: November 2020

Første advent og norsk historie 🇳🇴

Jeg lovet at jeg skulle skrive på norsk. Det tar en stund før jeg ombestemmer meg til norsk i stedet for svensk. For det er forskjell. Mellom Norge og Sverige. Språklig, men også på andre måter. Og hovedforskjellen er basert på historie, vil jeg si. Sverige har levd i fred i mer enn 200 år, og Norge har ikke gjort det. Selv om andre verdenskrig er en generasjon siden, når det gjelder tid, blir minner og historier videreført til overlevende generasjoner.

Det er lenge siden jeg bodde i Norge, men jeg har fortsatt minner derfra. Et veldig vakkert land med fine, sterke tradisjoner. Mange minner har dukket opp igjen fordi jeg var veldig aktiv når svineinfluensa pågikk da jeg bodde i Norge. Kanskje er det derfor jeg er ekstra oppmerksomme og opplever Corona viruset som mycket alvorlig.

Jeg prøvde å lære norsk så godt jeg kunne. Hadde aldri klart å tro at det skulle være så vanskelig. Jeg skjønte ikke noe i det hele tatt. Nordmennene forsto meg mye bedre enn jeg forsto dem. De var vokst opp med svensk TV, forklarte de. Jeg husket bare Brødrene Dal og professor Drøvels hemmelighet fra svensk TV, og det var ikke så mye. Men jeg ga meg ikke. Jeg gjorde alt for å integrere meg, og fordi jeg liker språk så prøvde jeg virkelig.

Noen ganger kjøpte jeg en dagsavis for å holde tritt med det daglige. Jeg ble overrasket over hvor skarpe og greie de noen ganger kunne skrive. Rett ut. Kanskje for å markere at det ikke må skje igjen. Det vil si krig. Det som skjedde under andre verdenskrig må ikke skje igjen. Har lagret noen magasiner, inkludert denne (se nedenfor). Fra historietimene på barneskolen husket jeg Qusiling. Vidkun Quisling ble skutt av norske politisoldater klokken 02.40 24 oktober 1945.

Det er søndag i dag og første advent. Mange tenner nå det første lys i påvente av jul. Jeg venter med Konge røkelse som jeg har igjen. På søndag var det alltid stengt, og jeg husker jeg trente hver søndag. Carola var populær vid trening. Avslutter denne søndagskvelden med musikk fra Robyn. Hun har spilt sammen med Røyksopp. Sverige og Norge har i dag mange intressen sammen, inkludert 10 desember som snart vil være her. Dagen da Nobels fredspris deles ut, som i år går til FN:s matprogram.


On teaching and mentorship

Many years ago I did PhD studies. I was a doctoral student (doktorand). I remember I felt a little like now – empty. After writing my books. Not so many ideas. A little like I have written everything I have thought of during passed years. I am happy that I have this rather unique education. It is a way of thinking. How to analyse complex patterns and formulate the answer in a few words. Put the conclusion into a bigger context and speculate on the future. However, to be able to do this you need to have something solid to stand on, and in my case that is knowledge. I like languages a lot and that is complex knowledge with grammar, synonyms etc. Perhaps next time I write here, I will in Norwegian. There are quite a lot of Norwegians in Sweden and I still remember how to talk. But it takes a while for me to get into that very specific Norwegian talking mood.

The Corona virus is every day news. The immunsystem is constantly a hot topic and if I get time I will refresh my knowledge on the interplay between T-cells and antibodies. Perhaps we will learn something completely new from studying immunology in practice. It seems like some people are more prone to get infected. Similar to like some people don’t get mosquito bites. Complex.

I miss sweetie and cutie and I will play Tom Jones for them. Lady has taught Molly what puppies need to know, and I must also admit that Molly has taught me some as well. To get out of my comfort zone and have selfies. That is a very nice vice versa mentorship!

Dogma movie rules

Dogs must be taken care of. That’s for sure. And to take care of others you also need to take care of yourself. My treat is exercise. It is still possible and I feel very happy for that. Spinning is my focus. Keeps my metabolism going, and not the least, I like the music that is played. It is hard to find new, good music, and I liked a song very much that was played at work out. I couldn’t hear the lyrics, and I tried to find it on the internet. I did some jamming but the computer didn’t recognise the song. Now I have asked for the name of the song, and it was a melody with Katy Perry – Cry about it later. As usual, I listen more to the melody than the lyrics. Good that I asked since I now know more new music!

By doing sports I get energy to keep up my writing. Today I found a paper with all the names of the characters in my book that I have written. I got very attached to the book, and I have needed distance to it. I am thinking of writing something completely new, but I still need some time. I allow myself to go for sports, but not much more. It would be nice to go for theatre or something similar. Here is a combination with singing, dancing and 16th century drama from MTV. This is also a melody I fancy. And Vogue fashion magazine is once in a while also nice reading.

A Lady treat.

On dogs and the EU 🇪🇺

Sunday. From a scientific point of view it is getting brighter. We are closer to registered vaccines against the Corona virus. Patience is very important since it will take some time even though a vaccine will be available. Perhaps you have to get several injections to obtain immunity. My personal guess is that in a year from now we will return to life before the Corona virus. But, still, I hope routines will not be forgotten since other viruses still will be active. It feels like the EU has played an important role in gathering medical information for proper decisions on various vaccines. From what I have seen, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, has been very informative and moderate in her presentation of current medical, and indeed, political status.

No evil that has no good with it. A positive conclusion on the Corona virus is that it is global. A pandemic. Everyone on this earth has some kind of relation to the virus. Perhaps it will make it easier for the EU to integrate with the rest of the world. The WHO advocates hand washing, and they also suggest that medical face masks hampers the spread of the virus. Yes, it is important to isolate the virus to reduce its spreading. Anyway, I wash my hands and I constantly remind myself of distancing.

Normally, I would go to the countryside, and today would have been perfect for a walk with sweetie and cutie. I miss them so much, but I know they are safe. Moose- and deer hunt is ongoing and they have deer hoofs for dinner. I am grown up with dogs, and have tought a lot of dogs. And they like it. For example walks, running, sitting etc. One problem though, is that they are very spoiled. But, in conclusion, dogs need to be taken care of. Puppies are very popular now during the pandemic and I hope they are taken care of. Ending this writing with sharing a private film on dogs. It is so sweet, and I watch it when I miss them. And maybe you learn something.

Stay safe and stay tuned 🐾


Transatlantic diplomatic relations 🇺🇸

Mini blog this evening. Notably, in extraordinary times like this, it is important to stay in touch with friends and family. I can never stop emphasizing the importance of distancing and hand washing. It is crucial to isolate the virus, and also to track the virus to reduce its spreading. But human beings, like you and me, need social contacts and emotions. So, do not forget to give a call to friends for a little chat. Distancing, but not social distancing.

Relations are important in the current situation. I still hope the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 🇸🇪 soon will start Instagram! Keep staying safe and stay tuned 🐾