Monthly Archives: June 2021

Fungi and stay safe!

Molly has athlete’s foot. In Swedish it is called fungus. She likes to run a lot and suddenly she started to have pain in one of her feet. The veterinary explained that she has athlete’s foot. Molly is on treatment and she is recovering quickly. Every dog is unique. They have their own little thing that they like to do. Molly has always been very social, and I don’t know why, but she likes to put her paw on my cheek. The photo below is when she started to insist on learning me how to make selfies. Maybe to show that she needs attention and somebody to play with. Lady has had a hair cut so she is ok for the summer. She always shows that she is very independent but also social. I hope I will se them soon.

I write on various topics. From the NATO to dogs. It is soon midsummer, and holidays are beginning. Don’t forget to continue with distancing and hand washing!

Stay safe 🐾


G7 Cornwall 2021 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇩🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷🇨🇦🇪🇺🇯🇵

It is a great relief that the G7 countries meet. For stability. I do not know how it works behind the political scenes, but I am surprised that the NATO has had such a passive role during this pandemic. Where is Stoltenberg? A couple of years ago I read an article in the Times criticising the NATO for not demonstrating proper leadership. That was the cause, according to the Times, that the NATO keeps a low profile.

The military should be more active now. Today, military is not equal to war, they are rather working for stability in societies, and they should show this. For example, they could help people with medical face masks etc. Educate how to deal with the virus. Because, we, the people, are the soldiers, and the mortality rate has been high. Very early, president Macron 🇫🇷 declared that this is similar to war and that we have an invisible enemy infront of us. I totally agree with him.

However, I don´t know how the NATO works, but a G7 summit makes me feel more comfortable. Perhaps, the NATO is represented in some way. The G7 has declared that they will help undeveloped countries with vaccines. So good!

This is a political virus. Everybody has an opinion on the Corona virus. I am surprised the there actually are educated people that believe that there is no virus. I cannot understand this, perhaps biological education is missing.

Anyway, I stay at home, but activity is important so I do some kind of exercise almost every day. I feel happy that I have travelled, and that I can remember my journeys. My visit in Cuba was fantastic. I met a lot of interesting people sharing their life histories. And don´t forget:

Stay safe 🐾

Federal regulations 🇰🇵 🇨🇺 🇸🇪

North Korea, Cuba and Sweden were the only countries in the world with federal regulation of pharmacies a decade ago. That actually made me go to Cuba for holiday. What are the similarities between Sweden and Cuba? Interesting. I travelled with Virgin Atlantics and it was a long flight so I had a chat with people next to me. Don´t you know Spanish, they asked? No, but at least I know a few Spanish words. They were right. Cubans did not know much English. Anyway, I managed rather well. Other tourists helped me to translate when needed. Especially Americans who actually were not allowed to travel to Cuba.

I could write a lot about this vacation, but I got remined of this journey when I read a recent statement on nazis by previous Prime and Foreign minister Carl Bildt. I think I have met a previous nazi on Cuba. I know they escaped to South America after the second world war, not so far away from Cuba. He was a very old, tall man with a stray hat with black ribbon. He stayed on the same island as I did. This was a special Cuban island and they had very strict rules. But such a beautiful tropical island! I was alone so I talked to almost everybody since there was not much to do. People were very friendly and liked to have a conversation. Imagination is not always good, but this German man really made me think of the second world war and the horrible faith of the jews. I got scared, but at the same time not, since the war was over in 1945. It was such a strange feeling that I still remember. Should you trust your gut feeling?

I learnt a lot about Cuba. I walked, went for various excursions. I found an old pharmacy with beautiful decoration. And I also met dogs.

Stay safe 🐾