Daily Archives: 21 January, 2023

My continuous exercise voyage

Constantly, new words appear in our language. Some words never seem to change like the word sustainable. Am I alone in reading sustainability everywhere, and getting tired of it? We need to use a synonym for this word. It is an important word, I totally agree, but we need to find a synonym, for example continuously.

More than ten years ago, I started to focus on languages. I remember that at that time, I actually realized that the English language is much more diverse compared to my maternal language Swedish. Previously, I knew that in theory, but then I really understood.

At the end of every year, it is a pleasure to see what new words are introduced in various languages. Personally, the word “proactive” has become a recurrent word in 2022. When it comes to health and drugs a lot is about being proactive. Staying active is important, and exercise certainly affects eg blood pressure and glucose levels. Training is also a lot of fun.

This year, 2023, I will learn more about how food affects your health. I have read some previously, and I also got inspired by, anti-inflammatory food. It is the combination of training and healthy food that makes me smile.

Ending by sharing an inspiring summer photo. I love swimming in the ocean, especially in salty water. A happy tune is also motivating.