Author Archives: Anna


It is very nice to have some time off. Just to relax. I am still thinking of Hanoi and its surroundings, and I will continue to do so for a while. I will write some about Ho Chi Minh, a man who has made a very big impact on Vietnam since he was president during 15 years in Vietnam (1954-1969). I visited the Ho Chi Minh complex (Ho Chi Minh´s vestige in the presidential palace area), where his life was presented. It was a very strictly regulated area. No cameras allowed. Many soldiers guarding his spirit and presence even thought he has passed away. In brief, he dedicated his life for the nation and the Vietnam people.

He was influenced by many different countries since he had travelled before he became president. I suppose he is considered as very important in Vietnam since he was president during the Vietnam war (1955-1975). It was very unique to visit his relic complex. His workroom, cars used to serve him, flowers and garden were preserved, and also the iron helmet and telephones he used during the wartime, were exposed.

He was never married and did not have any children. I got the impression that he was totally dedicated to his assignment as president and to protect his country. So, he had never time to see women. His lifestyle was simplicity, modesty and gentleness. Perhaps he never had time for a love life since it was war. I find it a little peculiar since it has been common to be married to several wives in Vietnam. Once, I attended a city tour, that was in Hue, and one of the kings, at that time, had a dozen of wives. “So many?!” I asked the guide. “That is not many, a houndred wives, that is many”,the guide said with a big smile and a lot of pride on her face.

I still think of the legendary giant turtle. It is sacred in Hanoi. Above is a photo where visitors can learn about the story of the turtle on turtle island, and to show respect to Vietnam history.


It is rather early. Tea and CNN news. A lot of focus on Trumps first 100 days as a president of United States of America. Must be busy days. Already changes going on in the US. I normally follow CNN and/or BBC news, just because I like to see what is going on in the world. I also watch Vietnam News on the internet. Vietnam is a very interesting country because it is really a growing economy. In Sweden everybody has social security and all health care, whatever, which is provided by the government. But, Vietnam has suffered for so many centuries, so I think Vietnam wants to become like a Western country. And I am sure that will happen, because, everybody is so motivated, and Vietnam people travel all over the world, so it is not an enclosed country. On the contrary, Vietnam is a very open country.

I miss all fresh fruit. When I was in Vietnam and Sri Lanka I never thought of any sweets. Fresh fruit is sacred for me. Like the Jackfruit.  It is good there is fresh fruit because nobody will ever starve.

To remember

To remember is sometimes a challenge. Memories, can be difficult to define. And they may also change due to various circumstances and also over time – months, years and decades. Memories, most probably, shape your daily life, in little, as well as bigger decisions. Because, life is more or less, built on decisions. From dusk to dawn. What clothes am I going to wear today? Does the sun shine today or is it rainy? What would I like to have for lunch? And so on. Western countries problems.

Sometimes you don´t want to remember, but the memories are there weather you like it or not. Right now I think a lot about my voyage to Indochine. I am still thinking about my very first day there. How to get to know a new country. I read a lot before going, but the book is one thing and reality may be something completely different. I also thought a lot about languages since I don´t know any Asian language.

I remember that it was a challenge to cross roads where all the motor bikes were. Very few cars. I learnt that it was very good to have a motor bike. And if you had a bicycle that was a sign to show that you were going to have a motor bike. Often, when I was going to cross a road I saw if there was anyone who also was going to cross the road. Once I met a couple in a really busy street. I though they were from Vietnam, but they rapidly answered “No, we are from Japan, and we are organized”. And they laught.

I like to walk a lot, and I did that on my very first day in Hanoi. I liked the Hoan Kiem Lake a lot. In the Old French Quarter. There was some kind of karma there that I liked a lot. It just felt good to be there. And there was a very cute story about a turtle there, who, a few centuries ago, saved the town from being occupied by China, I think. The turtle is almost holy and they have a little island where they go. The guide said very determined “they go there to relax” and in the same sentence with no words: you should not disturb them. Leave them in peace and harmony so they can continue to protect our city. It was just so cute. I will always remember.

There were always a lot of activities going on around the lake. I saw women dancing, tai chi in the mornings, people walking, talking, having a cup of tea or coffee. Maybe that is why I had this good karma. And rather close to the lake was the Opera where I listened to the beautiful concert. A very good introduction to learn more about Vietnam. Vietnamese village life from a poetic view.