Author Archives: Anna


Lugn, stilla och grå dag i Stockholm. Jag ska skriva några timmar på min bok som handlar om kärlek. Värmer upp i diktens anda. Har nu levt i flera år i kloster och det ger tid till reflektion. Men, livet går vidare.

Practice makes perfection. Enjoy.



En smekning, lätt som ett dun,

rör vid din kind.

Sakta, långsamt, utan form.


Att röra vid oändlighet – omöjligt,


universums existens nås bara vid de svarta hålen.


Där tyngdlagen upphör existera,

där månens skugga vidrörs,

i skenet av två stilla ljus.


Bon soir

So difficult to choose. But, English tonight. I had a nice day at work today. Even though, I must admit, that it is nice to stay at home as well. Work balance. Chocolate craving. Maybe not so good, but it is my weekend treat. After work I went to IKEA. I didn´t know they close that early so it was a rapid visit. I found flowers today.

The temperature is just perfect. Not to cold and not to warm so it is very convenient just to stay outside for a while. Christmas decoration is slowly appearing in Stockholm. I passed by this decoration as you can see below. Beautiful. I also saw this “globe” when I went for my little walk. This globe touches me a lot. When I pass by, I always stop for a while. Tonight it was so beautiful in the light of the town. I often see it in daylight. Beautiful. I don´t know the history of this symbol, would be nice to know some day.


Bon weekend,


Hi again, could´t stop me from writing again. I previously wrote that it is soon 10 years ago since I defended. I am very grateful for these years. I was driven by my interest for the brain. I have been in contact with my mentor Professor Jörgen Engel and I hope we will meet. He is still busy with research within drug dependence. Addiction.

Addiction is a field that includes a lot. For example, new pharmacological tools still need to be developed. In addition, we already have a lot of knowledge that need to be put into practice. For example, in Sweden the availability of alcohol is strictly regulated. This is good according to me. There are so many clear cut examples showing eg enlarged opening hours for alcohol availability increases violence.

However, since life is not right or wrong, people have learnt how to profit from conflicts. By this I mean that selling alcohol is a conflict. We have the knowledge that alcohol leads to increased accidents. But also, the knowledge that alcohol may serve as a social lubricant. Again, and to conclude; balance is crucial. To regulate and not to regulate. To have “fingerspitzengefühl”. Or intuition.

What would life be without music?


Lots of love,



2nd opinion

“Sometimes you have to look back before you can move forward”

Hi there! I have a day off today. Nice. Spare time. I previously wrote about how important it is to reflect before you move on to the next day, next month, next year. This is very important, I believe. However, sometimes you just don´t want to remember. But the memories are there and you have to deal with them. No matter how terrible they are. This shapes you to a better citizen and it makes you take better decisions in future life.

A few years ago I went for a test that every woman in Sweden has the opportunity to undergo. This is to identify cell changes in the uterus. It is like an examination of the breasts for cell changes. In principal. This test was positive. Of course it was like somebody hit my face. Again. I thought, when is life going to be nice to me?

Life experience has thought me a lot. How to, in the best way, to deal with happenings. Good and bad things. Many people, about 80%, carry viruses that are sexually transmitted. These viruses prefer to stay in special cells. To get rid of this virus you freeze the cells that are affected. Then you have a check up every year.

At least in Norway, when you work with health care such as MD, pharmacist et cetera, you are not allowed to reveal information about patients. This is the same in Sweden. Since I work at a pharmacy, I never talk about information I have about customers. Not even to colleagues. Of course, sometimes I need to get a second opinion from a colleague. But I am very, very careful. I always protect the integrity of the customer.

What is my life like today? I have a good life. I have learnt a lot. My wish is that I will have a family of my own. But again, jantelagen is perhaps still the best law in practice in Sweden. Meanwhile, I write my book.

I am grown up in a very active family. Always excursions like skiing, walks, running et cetera. I am very thankful for this. Sport is the best way to carry on a good life. I have a good muscle memory. It strengthens the immune system including eg NK-cells, interferons and macrophage activity. Helps you to fight cancer (kreft in Norwegian).


Lots of love,









Tristan och Isolde

Jag gillar att skriva. Jag vet inte hur många som läser det här egentligen. För att avslöja, så är jag inte så bra på datorer. Det finns en funktion som visar statistik men den verkar inte vara så pålitlig. Svårt också att välja svenska eller engelska. Helst både och. Att skriva har blivit ett beroende för mig.

Jag gillar musik väldigt mycket också. Ganska stor variation. Faktiskt. Igår lyssnade jag på Lisa Miskovsky. Träning och musik är en väldigt bra kombination av två nöjen. Det tar tid att nå sin idealform. Särskilt om man vill behålla den. Det är en utmaning att kunna känna sig nöjd. Att inte tänka att gräset är grönare på andra sidan. Utan jag är nöjd. Balans.

Tristan och Isolde är för mig förknippat med många känslor. Dramatik. Öde. Vackert öde. Livsöde. Något jag minns från litteraturhistoria lektionerna.

Just nu är denna min passion. Mina livliga associationer. Men så är det.
