Author Archives: Anna

Det är vår i luften

Det märks att det är vår i luften. Ljus och värme. Det glädjer mig. Ja, alltid massa prat om vädret, men det är ju ett outtömligt ämne. Härligt att se grönska sakta komma tillbaka. Och blommor. Jag gillar verkligen blommor. Nu har jag pelargoner som senaste projekt. De har ju övervintrat och är nu på väg att blomma. Så vackra blommor.

Lyssnar mycket på P1. Idag så berördes ett ämne som det talas alldeles för lite om nämligen utveckling av antibiotika resistens. Nya läkemedel med nya verknings mekanismer behövs.

Jag tränar varje dag. Igår bodybalance. Det är jobbigare än det låter. Väldigt bra stretch. Nu väntar 75 minuter cykling. Viktigt att variera träning. Så idag är det konditionsträning.






Early Stockholm


Early morning in Stockholm. Maybe it is age dependent, but I like to wake up, have my cup of coffee, and see a new day slowly wake up. Purity.

Last night I talked to my sweet auntie. She went horse riding in Texas at a very nice ranch and fell of the horse. Hurt her back, but luckily, she is getting better. I am proud to have an auntie still going so strong.

So, what about me? I am applying for jobs. I feel a little sad to have left my colleagues at the pharmacy.

I have written quite a lot about what has been going on with pharmacies in Sweden. And in Norway. I have worked several years in Norway as a Pharmacy manager. And since I have strong feelings for Norway, I was very close to stay.

Due to private reasons, I moved back to Sweden. Pharmacies have been owned by the state during, I think, approximately 40 years, in Sweden. Since I have worked at the University, Industry, Pharmacy, I can compare climate, or rather, “working cultures”. This is something quite difficult to define, but that, I suppose, is written a lot about in management books.

I miss research. I miss helping eager students in pharmacology. However, I have decided to continue with theoretical research. On the other hand, life has shown that serendipity, and unexpected events, make life unpredictable. The charm of life. The beauty of life.

Have a nice day!


Lots of love,







Lovely morning

Hi there!

It is too good to be true. Early morning in Stockholm, and I just enjoy that yesterday continues with today. What I mean is that this “Province atmosphere (from southern France)” seem to continue.

Nice to have a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Just read the news. Waiting for “Public service” on the radio. This is a Swedish program; talking about Swedish news with a glimpse in the eye.

Have you ever noticed that life is so much easier when we have this time of the period of the year? But, maybe, as I wrote before, you need the contrast of winter-summer. Ok, never mind, I must be honest; the thought has crossed my mind that it would be nice to have summer time constantly.

But, a crispy, clear winter day, with sparkling sunshine, skiing, hot chocolate in the snow, come back to your home, listening to some nice classical music, meanwhile the sunset is approaching, finally relaxing in the sofa. That is rather nice as well.

I am a little stiff from yesterdays training. I have trained a lot during the years that have passed by. So I know my body. I have now a program for the whole week so I gradually will build new, fresh energy.

Soon it is time to send the annual economical report to the financial government. I have problems with my E-identity so I have to get some help with that. The papers have been on my table for a too long time now. So tomorrow I will get it out of my hands.

Take care, and have a pleasant Sunday!


Lots of love,









Saturday and Stockholm couldn’t be more lovely and beautiful. There is some sort of a special calm, like everybody would like to know: is this weather true, is it here to stay? I think I have written before that in Sweden we are very concerned about the weather. And no wonder why, after a struggling with winter we really deserve this. So I really enjoy. It is too good to be true.

I told you that I am now looking for a new job. So that will be my focus this weekend and onward. One of my main interests in life, think I told you before, is exercise. I like to run, but right now I need to get in better shape to start running. It is quite demanding for your knees. I have read quite a lot about how the body builds/refines eg mitocondrias etc. A lot of biochemistry is going on. Enhancement of the bodies own morphine: various endorfines. Makes you feel good!

Enjoy your weekend!


All my love from Anna



Friday evening

Hi friends!

I do not know if there is anyone reading what I write. I must tell you, I made this site on my own, because I felt I had to write my life in public. I am not sponsored. I should be, because I do not have much of an income. However, I value freedom a lot. Freedom with responsibility.

Listening to today´s news about bloggers in Russia. No internet freedom.

I have started to find a new job! I really hope I will find something soon. I would like to work at a pharmacy or pharmaceutical industry. Cross your fingers for me!





Today and right now.

Stockholm is lovely today. Great weather and great temperature. You can really feel that you get new energy. It is needed since we have suffered so many months in cold and darkness. Sweden is like that during some months, part of the charm. This is, according to me, the best time of the year. Already seen flowers, now waiting for the trees to get plenty of flowers. I don’t know why, but I just love flowers and nature. I suppose that is because I am grown up in the countryside.

I am very fortunate that I have the possibility to go to my parents out in the countryside. And since I have been a little upset it is nice to spend some time in the countryside. I have material for I don’t know how many books. I hope good inspiration and flow gets to me so I can start to write. Meanwhile, I write here. That is nice too.

This weekend, during Eastern, I read a little of what I have written previously. There is a lot about my experience in research. How life finds new ways to go forward. But, I have written previously that it is very important to “sometimes look back, to be able to look forward”. That concerns history a lot. You have to deal with history and the past. Otherwise it will catch up.

My main focus of this diary is “life, health and nature”. So I try to stay close to that theme.

Oh, I must tell you something. When I stayed at my parents house recently, I experienced real ghosts. Unvisble but you could feel the presence. That was the first time for me. I know other people talk about ghosts but I never experienced them myself. It was in my room. There is a special aura in my room. Has always been. When I asked my father if he knew anything about the ghosts, he told me that his now late brother has seen something pass over the floor. Undefinable. Also, another person has seen and experienced something. My I got scared at first, but then I felt that I could´t be afraid of the ghost. Scary, don’t you agree?


Lots of love,






Walk, again…

bild (1)

…my walks never ends. Today has been so wonderful. About 18-20 degrees Celcius. It could have been a day in the middle of June.

This photo above is so beautiful, taken when I talked with one of our neighbours. Nice with just some smalltalk. Weather forcast predicts good weather all week. Hope they are right.


Je t’embrasse,
