Hi there!

Two weeks off. These weeks are dedicated for writing. I wrote the final part today of my book. Now I have to read and read and read. To change language. To see if every part fit together. This has been a huge work. Very interesting. A lot of personal development.

And languages. I have thought a lot about languages. I would like to develop my Swedish. But I have to remember that languages are alive. They live. There is no right and wrong.

Of course, this book has made me think of my own childhood. I saw some photos. I love photos. Especially when you can catch something. Both my auntie and my father have worked for the UN. This photo was taken by my father when i was in Kongo-Kinshasa (1960s) for the UN. I like this photo a lot. I don´t know what it tells me, but there is something.

This writing reminds me of studying. Especially yesterday. Bought some candy and then I started to write. I had a good, so called, flow yesterday. Some days are good writing days and some days are not so good writing days.

Exercise is very good to get your brain into good shape. Soon off for some training. Need some muscle strength.

Have a nice afternoon!


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