My kitchen 🇮🇹

Sometimes I don’t understand myself. Yesterday was Friday, and late in the afternoon I suddenly had a craving for chili peppers and pasta. Why this sudden desire? I remembered I had shrimp in the fridge, and it is usually good to combine with chili. All said and done, I quickly procured garlic, chili peppers, shallots, and parsley. I had extra virgin olive oil and cherry tomatoes at home. Cooking pasta doesn’t really take that long, nor does sautéing the other ingredients, which are then combined with the pasta into a well-balanced blend. What takes time is chopping the ingredients. I chose the mildest red chili. I didn´t dare take a chance. Exactly. When I started chopping the chili, I started to cough. Everything took about 60 minutes to prepare and cook, but it was definitely worth my Friday evening: TGIF. Today, I have my usual exercise, and it feels good to have loaded up on carbohydrates. Perhaps, is that the answer why my sudden desire?

Exercise is like fresh grocery 🥕

As you know, I like to stay active. I am in rather good fitness now, but I am focusing more on training strength than before. To maintain a good posture, you need good strength in the back and shoulders. For that, training is required. Sometimes I use the watch to monitor my heart rate and it gives me feedback on my training. There was no doubt that I had lost fitness when I studied last spring. I didn’t have time for training as usual, because I was traveling between Stockholm and Uppsala. My watch is mean to me. Not always positive feedback, and sometimes very concrete letting me know that I need to practice more to improve. I am trying to stay friends with it even though it doesn’t say what I want to hear. The truth hurts.

I do exercise to be able to eat good and well. Cooking is a big part of my life, and it is also a very nice experience when traveling. New flavors, and you can discover things like that some countries use bananas as we use potatoes on a daily basis. Anti-inflammatory foods are popular, even though it hasn´t really reached grocery stores. The idea seems good. I try to target slow carbohydrates. Since it is Sunday, I have training on my schedule, but I need some sweets. This evening, I will have homemade carrot cake with tea. Goodies with slow carbohydrates to stay healthy. Or what is your opinion?



Mini spring 🐣

Daylight saving time brought us brighter days. I really enjoy this time because it is still a while until midsummer. When the days slowly turn into darker days again. Soon the macadam will disappear from the roads. New waves of pollen, but not so much dust in the air. Maybe a turn of snow again. It is somehow a bit of a subdued atmosphere, even though it is Easter. Not as happy ambiance as it usually is. Could it be that Halloween has taken over the tradition of Easter witches? I didn’t see a sole Easter witch on Maundy Thursday. I put a little rouge on my own cheeks on Good Friday to remind me of times gone by. Yes, I have been an Easter witch once, and I remember what it was like.

There is a lack of eggs. Poor chickens herds with Salmonella. Inflation, on top of this, and we are reminded that there is war in the world. I couldn´t believe the war would start this decade. Perhaps in case of a lack of natural resources such as oil, minerals, and clean water. The war came earlier than that. The great world powers are balancing against each other to find a new equilibrium in the world. That is what I learned in chemistry lessons. Everything strives for balance.

In these times I feel gratitude. The pandemic is behind us. I embrace each new day with joy.

Untagged (unfocused) week

As usual, the clock was turned forward a week ago. We celebrated that spring and summer are coming. Summertime was celebrated with friends and waffles. It gave me hope for summer. But no. Jack Frost wanted otherwise. It has been cold, windy, and snowy. The wind has bitten my cheeks. There is something in Sweden called April weather, and that is when it snows and at the same time, spring flowers are popping up. I am longing to celebrate the First of May to see if the magnolias bloom in Lund as they always do at that time of the year.

The photo below is one of my best. These last few days I have had a little pain in my shoulder and arm. It is not due to too little stretching. Strange, I thought. The same arm lifting the hunting falcon below. I then thought about the mirror neuron phenomenon. Mirror neurons are nerve cells that react both when you perform an action and when you see someone else perform an action. In humans, just thinking about an action is enough for the neuron system (mirror neuron) to be activated. It happens intuitively, like a smile that is contagious. Just to make sure, I share an overview article for those who wish to delve deeper into the subject Mirror neurons 30 years later- implications and applications. In particular, please note picture A on page 771 if you can’t bear to read the whole article. The illustration suggests how different animal species and humans seem to share mirror neurons in specific parts/regions of the brain.

To round off this week’s writing, I have to admit that I got untagged (unfocused) when it snowed so much this week. However, the waffles with strawberries and blueberries have given me hope for summer!


Even though it was International Women’s Day yesterday, I had nothing to write about. The snowy weather took over completely and everything was directed at how to get through the day. I really love snow. That is wonderful. Today you can turn on the Christmas lights again. It is unusual in Stockholm with a lot of snow. The cars stress me out when I go by bike, but I go biking legally on my cycle lane. I can do nothing about the cars’ path blocked by the snow. The plow truck is coming soon.

About 25 years ago, when many things in life were still new, I remember saying that I would go home and clean and tidy up on International Women’s Day. My fellow students on the pharmacy program at the time agreed and thought it was good idea. Today I don’t know what to do. I mostly think that Valentine’s Day is better.

To play with the idea a little, one could ask how the world would look if more women were in leading political positions. Would there be more war? Difficult question to answer, but interesting nonetheless. The women I would like to highlight are Ursula von der Leyen and Angela Merkel. Merkel has secured Europe for many years, and nowadays Ursula von der Leyen is seen in various political contexts.

There was a dramatic change in the weather yesterday and I scrolled through my photos to illustrate my impressions of the day. I have respect for nature and it can definitely affect our everyday life. Here is an encounter that I will never forget, and by sharing this photo I am putting an end for today.