Woman, peace and security

I have been lazy, I admit. I am facing a challenge. My feet hurt so I have returned to my old running shoes where I don´t get wounded. Next Friday I have to prepare for long distance running. My goal is to end up as a finisher at the Stadium in Stockholm Marathon. However, my feet are not 100% ok. But I remember last time, I was so happy and there were so many people from all over the world. My greatest memory was freedom. The sky was blue. I had a challenge ahead. My legs hurt at the end. It was better to run that walk. Yes, it is true.

So, I will treat myself with some good music. Happy music!


PS. I am thinking of how to improve the website. Instagram and a new symbol.

Freedom of writing and independence

There is a lot about so called “free word” in Sweden now. How politicians stop people of writing. Like in China. I used to be involved in politics but now I am politically independent. I am not a member of any political organization.

I have my values and they are probably inspired by both right and left values. If Borg had been elected as head of the right wing party, I would have stayed. But now politics is just a mess in Sweden. I would like to see something similar in Sweden as in the US. Two political parties where there is a democratic selection of leader. That is the most democratic way of living in a free country.

In a true democracy it should be possible to chose a new prime minister if he or she has done something very stupid. Like the Watergate scandal in the US. And as recently seen on Iceland.

Last weekend I went to Skansen with sweet auntie. We went to see the beer and her cubs. We also went to the Lappish area where Lappish culture is presented. She had this picture of me.




Functional food

Now I am back where I started before women´s health. It was fun, but weather was cold. However, my greatest memory will be the occurrence of all runners. Everyone were in such good shape. I had some pain afterwards, I admit, and now I am back to ordinary exercise.

To get into better shape is challenge. Food is very important. Functional food is becoming more and more common. I have mentioned it before that sweets is my weakness, but I have to have some reward in my life. Maybe I should go for a ayurveda like detox?


Running done!

Little tired after running. Many women were gathered today at Gärdet today. Ambience was very good and you could choose between 21 km or share a half part with a friend. Weather was good in the morning, but it got colder in the afternoon. Sun at start, but then at the end, it started to snow. Yes, it is true. Snow. Believe it or not.

The course was very beautiful. Stockholm is equipped with a lot of beautiful monuments, museums, architecture etc. Now my muscles ache a bit so I am just “a lazy dog” this evening. Thought a lot about my sweetie because I am so used to go for a walk after running. I also thought about my auntie since I passed American embassy. She has run a lot.

Ok, all for tonight.





Ok. Now I have contributed to cancerfonden.se. Feels good. A lot of thoughts to all who have gone through the same suffering. I know what it feels like. To deal with difficult life events is very individual. My way of dealing with it is to do things. Exercise is very good. Running is the very best medicine. At least for me. Actually, I do not want to talk about it, but maybe I can support somebody by sharing my thoughts. Personal, but not private is difficult.

It is raining cats and dogs tonight in Stockholm. However, there is still time to look forward to a clear blue sky on Sathurday. That would be very nice. It would give a lot of energy. I truly wish.


Waiting for Sathurday

Wednesday. A few days to go. I watch SMHI (weather forecast) every day and they are not really sure yet about sun and/or rain. I ran on Sunday, and luckily, I did not have any pain  on Monday. I know, I have been lazy writing on twitter diary. This week I have been on some yoga just to have a good stretch.

Still thinking about women´s health so tomorrow I am going to find a fund to support cancer research. Cervix cancer, breast cancer, ovary cancer. Sathurday will be totally dedicated to woman´s health.
