Första advent

Sunday and beginning of December. Första advent. I really don´t know the translation of “första advent”. This is the weekend when you start to light windows and slowly getting ready for celebration of christmas. There are a lot of traditions in December.

It is rainy today. I really, really hope there will be snow soon. I miss a sparkling day with sun and snow. No rain. Maybe I will go for a walk later today. My father will sing in the church today so I will go and listen. Christmas carols.

Read the news and there is not much happening. Cameron talks about EU and Schengen. He is very clear about his conditions about Brittish membership in the EU. This is very good, because it is dangerous when subsidiary principle is not followed. That is, when decisions should be taken as close to people as possible. At the municipality level. Freedom should rule.

So what about myself? I feel fine and I am taking care of myself. I would like to go for a run today but it is so rainy. However, it is good to let the body recover before more training. Rest and just do nothing. Wishing you all the best at this “första advent”.


Black Friday

Today has been a special day. I don´t know why, but it feels like a special day. Actually, I don´t know much about Black Friday. I have never been in the US when black Friday is. However, it is a good start of December shopping. Thanksgiving is also now. Saw that Obama was kind to a Turkey.

I went for training, BodyCombat tonight. Good to keep up training. When I got home, I changed for getting into December mood. I arranged some decoration. Small things makes life better.

Happy Friday!


Smiling week :-)

Right now. Yes, right now. This very moment. Seize the moment. This very feeling. How does it feel? Are you happy? Are you sad?

Ok. I will try to answer the questions myself. To be honest; I feel somewhere in-between. Not happy, not sad. Soon I will be happy because I will go for work out. I need to go for training because I had ice-cream and kex choklad for dessert today. Body balance 😉

This week I have dedicated to smile. There are so few people smiling. Have you noticed? I have actively started to think of smiling, but it is so difficult when nobody is smiling. But I will carry on smiling. Happy face. Makes life easier.

I will smile, will you?



Sundays are very relaxing. I just do small things like paying bills, preparing for a new week etcetera. December has also come closer so I have started to arrange a few things to come into the right mood. Weather forecast has started to talk about snowy weather. Little cold in Stockholm.

Read the newspaper and listened to the news this morning. Catching up with what is happening. Had a cup of coffee with a toast. Diet.

Happy Sunday!


Tuff time

I talked about energy yesterday. How politeness can spread energy. I will start to think actively about being more polite. But, the challenge is when you have a bad day and that can happen to everybody. Being in constant balance is demanding.

I have a day off and I went for early training. There is something unique about walking in Stockholm, or any big city waking up. Feeling that a new day begins. Blue sky gives energy. Cold. No snow yet.

It is both good and bad to exercise in the morning. Went for Core and Bodypump. I got tired, so I have been very lazy. Just watching tv and reading newspapers. Simply, a relaxing Sathurday.


So cold!

It is so cold now. Suddenly it has changed. The weather. In the middle of November. Two days off.

My reflection of this week is that things, the world, has changed. What I am talking about is politeness. Personally, my intention is to always be polite. Sometimes I just cannot depending on circumstances. I might be very tired. I might just have a bad day.

A happy smile. A few words like hi, how are you? Or just thank you. I am sure life would be so much easier for everybody. Politeness gives energy. Mutual energy. What has happened to the world? What about life in ten years?





Training again. Tonight. Internet is very slow but I could finally reach the website. This is the time of the year where you need some extra energy. To stay focused even thought it is dark and cold. So writing makes me feel good. And training.

I have always exercised. Since I was little and I am very happy about that. Exercise can do so much good. It helps you to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, lower glucose levels etcetera. And, maybe, most importantly, it hampers the (my) urge for candy. I really don´t understand why it is so good with something sweet after a meal.

Soon Friday. And some time off.



Lots of exercise tonight. Bodycombat and body pump.  Dark and also rather chilly, almost like the weather in Göteborg with humid air.  However, no salt in the air as you can feel in Göteborg. Tonight I thought of all years I wasted on a bad relationship. That is why I am single.  I have learnt to be careful. Life experience.

Don´t have so much to say tonight. Just happy that I am in good shape. I am addicted to work out.

