New Year

I had my birthday a few days ago. And to admit, I am not that found of celebrating my birthday. But today I had a little birthday party with my parents. My brother lives in south of Sweden so it is not so easy for him to join.

Will spend my day writing. And I promised to write a little something for you tonight.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!




Hi again!

It is a beautiful day in Stockholm. A fresh day with a little snow. I would like to ski but not enough snow. You might have noticed that I follow the news as much as I can. I know countries where there is limited information. Étanche in French.

A new government was elected in Sweden a few months ago. It didn´t really work out so a new election was suggested in March next year. However, somehow, all political parties (there are eight political parties in Sweden to the best of my knowledge), ok, not everybody, cooperated for an agreement. To conclude, there will not be a new election, and in a way that is good because the government saves money. That is we, citizens. Tax payers.

I believe that it is important to follow political changes, because that affects your and my daily life. If one is not allowed to talk about politics and if you are not allowed to make jokes about politics. I interpret that as a very dangerous situation. To make jokes about things is a way of dealing with life and events. I remember when I was in France that there was a special show about politics. A puppet show. Very good. There were jokes and in the same time at a high intellectual level. Clever and intelligent.

I miss a similar show in Sweden.

My analysis of politics in Sweden right now is that a new generation of people is growing. It is different from the generation after second world war. My parents generation. Times, possibilities, availabilities, life values have changed. This is the political challenge. To understand this and understand how to deal with it.

Ok. I just felt that I had to write. Because I like my country a lot. And I feel that there are political decisions that may affect future life a lot. In a bad way.

All for now. I will continue to write my book. I have some candles lit, a cup of the and English fruit cake in front of me. My life right now in a nutshell. See you tomorrow!

Lots of love from Anna

Hi friends!

I am very tempted to write in Swedish but I will try to write in English as often as possible. But sometimes, you just feel to use your native language. I spoke a little French today. Good to keep it up. Would like to learn Spanish and Italian. It should be easy because they are based on latin. I know I can read Spanish because it is rather similar to French. And if I don´t know; I guess.

There are times when I think of how languages started and became this multitude. That is, for me, beauty. To listen to different languages. Not understanding a single word; but to listen to the melody. Try to pick up a few words. Watch body language. Try to understand and communicate. Someone told me that love is the whole world´s language. Everybody understands love.

Yes, I definitely need to learn more languages. In Sweden we have a lot of TV programs in English. I suppose that is why almost every Swede speaks English.

What am I up to right now? New year is approaching faster than I would like. Still haven´t found love. Or love havn´t found me. I haven´t been lucky in love life. So I have lived like a nun for several years. After wasting many, many years I am very careful. I have also had close friends that haven´t been nice to me. Not wishing me happiness in my life. Since I am found of biology, I always find explanations in human behavior with biology. That gives me comfort.

Since I am adopted I have always wanted to have a family of my own. This might be difficult to understand for some people. But, however, I believe this is every woman’s dream. So even if I wasn´t adopted, I would have had the same wish. There are differences between man and woman. Biology rules.

New Year soon. I have to wait til the clock turns 12. I will write a little something for you. First, I thought about writing about how it is to be a woman today. But not. I will write a speech to males. A huge challenge. I have two days of thinking ahead. Wish me good luck!

Lots of love from Anna





Cold and crispy clear day

Christmas day. I am very happy. Such a beautiful day with a nice walk. I have followers from various countries so I better tell how it is in Sweden right now. A lot of people think we have polar bears everywhere. Not really true 😉

There is no snow in Stockholm right now, but in the country side there is a little. Not enough for skiing but lovely anyway. I love to hear the sound from snow when you walk. I did not see any signs of elks, deers et cetera. Only dogs prints. If I remember correctly, tomorrow is the day when there is traditional rabbit hunting.

I have thought of a poem this holiday. Will try to write.

