Who knows pharmacology?

Biology is a very vast subject. For me, biology is nature, including animals and eg flowers. However, with my background, biology is more focused on pharmacology. That is how different drugs interact with receptors and cause a physiological and/or behavioral change.

I am very worried when I read the news because politicians, with no whatsoever, biological knowledge try to get involved in research. They see things from a political point of view with no biological understanding. Pharmacology is very complex and that makes it very interesting. There are many things that are not understood but politicians think they understand. This scares me.

I would like to exemplify by one of the greatest discoveries for mankind. The discovery of penicillin 75 years ago. This lifesaving discovery has made a great impact and what would be interesting to find out is what problems has it caused? Resistance? Environmental changes? Lobotomi was also a great discovery, but that is nothing anyone would like to talk about today.

Politics is too much based on feelings and not on knowledge. There is so much research that has been done that can be implicated in daily life. Here, politicians have a great work to do.



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