Focus in life

Yes. Maybe this is my therapy site. Writing. But I suppose all sort of blogging/writing is the same thing as therapy. It feels like my life has been stolen and I want my life back. I feel very sorry for that. But I try to make the best out of my life.

Sweden is a very, very good country to live in but I must admit, that I hate Jantelagen. I am a very happy person, but you are not allowed to be happy in Sweden because then everybody get jealous. I don´t understand that because everybody who lives in Sweden has a very good life if you compare to many other countries. I don´t know how that can be changed. Maybe I have to move abroad to get happy some day. Because you are not allowed to be happy in Sweden. I am happy because climate is good. No earthquakes. Everybody has food and water. You can find mountains, lakes and good entertainment. So, why complain?

Yesterday I wrote that I have totally forgotten that it is Halloween this weekend. So, today I bought a few somethings to remember as you can see on the photo above. Time has changed. When I was little everybody went to church and I remember that it was a little scary because of all dead people. The priest read the names of the people that had passed away during the year and lit candles.

Today is different. In a way, I like this happier celebration. Life should´t be to serious. But, maybe some combination because I think one should remember death. In life. Yes. Very complicated. I know. But that is what makes life beautiful. There is no right and there is no wrong.

Spending this weekend working a little. Writing. And exercising. Having a lot of candy means work out. Otherwise no candy. That is life. Weather you like it or not!

Ok. Happy me wishes you a happy halloween with many trick or treats!



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