When I travel alone I rarely feel like resting e.g. staying on a beach. I prefer activity. That makes me feel good. So, trekking was perfect. However, I couldn´t stay for such a long time in Sapa since there was so much I wanted to see in Vietnam. I don´t know why, but I liked the buffaloes in the paddy fields a lot.
It was a new sort of landscape that I never had seen before, and after some trekking we reached a little village in one of the valleys where we had good lunch. I was spoiled with healthy food and lots of fresh fruit during my stay in Vietnam. I really miss fresh fruit. There was a school, vegetables waiting to be harvested in the fields and lots of animals in the village. All families helped each other to keep life going. It was a little cold so it was good to have some tea. My favorite tea was ginger tea with lemon. I still have ginger tea almost every evening. Just to remember.