Boil water

Authorities in Sweden rarely recommend people to boil their drinking water. However, this is now recommended at Lidingö. Precautions will prevail until the water analysis shows good values ​​again. I searched for recommendations in the city of Stockholm, but there is only advice against swimming in certain bathing areas.

Yesterday was the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. I am thrilled to see the boats with competitors from all the countries of the world gliding along the river Seine through Paris. Notre Dame is still under construction after the great fire. Lady Gaga sang at the beginning of the opening ceremony. Later, Snoop Dogg got to carry the Olympic torch a bit before the Olympic flame was lit . Thank you, Greece for the wonderful Olympic traditions where sports and history can meet and unite.

I struggle with exercise and currently, I find it quite difficult. At the same time, however, I know that it is at this point that you improve strength and fitness. Tomorrow, if weather permitting, I will go jogging again. I am careful with stretching to reduce the risk of inflammation in the muscles. My muscle memory, running memory, is still there. I charge all the positive energy needed to resist ID hacking.

Stay safe 🐾

Pulse raising exercise 💚

This Monday I got a little walk with Molly. It was warm and she agreed. Ticks and horse-flies were very eager to stay close to us. You have to be careful since they bite. Molly has taken her tick medicine and I have been vaccinated against TBE. We cannot do much more than that.

It was too hot for jogging on Monday so I went this evening instead. My watch is very kind to me because my time is now 70 minutes. No slopes, and of course, that could be the explanation. However, it seems that I have a long way to go to regain my yoga-jogging as I usually say. That is, when I can go jogging and just enjoy the evening instead of thinking how exhausting it is. There were no people at Gärdet where the Womens’ mile usually starts. I have noticed that the entire track has changed since I joined last time. The start has been moved to the Maritime History Museum.

I love jogging in the summer since it is just warm and pleasant in the evening. I don’t need to warm up that much. We are in the middle of summer. I enjoy. Ending by sharing a photo of me and a happy Molly after a summer walk.

Stay safe 🐾

Gourmet and walks

I promised to return to my dinner in France. The restaurant was sparingly furnished. All the dishes were good and they cannot be compared to each other. Perfect small portions. Interesting and exciting taste experiences in different combinations. I also got a surprise. The photo below is the part of the dinner that stuck in my memory for the evening. It may not show the highest capabilities of the kitchen, but it was exactly what I was craving at the time. It was such a nice presentation of cheeses.

Cheese contains the amino acid tryptophan, and possibly I was slightly deficient that night. Various countries describe nutrients differently. Even the recommended daily intake of vitamins such as vitamin D may vary between for example Sweden and Finland. The amino acid tryptophan is important for serotonin and melatonin in the body. Please see the National Institute of Health (NIH) which always explains biology in a good way. I am learning not to not go so much into details, but rather stick to prose. To not see the world so abstractly.

Everyday life is now here. This week I cooked simple pasta with minced meat sauce. I had a piece of Parmesan cheese in the freezer which became an excellent condiment in all its simplicity. I had tomatoes that I sliced ​​and mixed with oil, salt, and fresh basil. My memory of the Mediterranean returned. Meanwhile, I listen to the news, and I really hope someone similar to Henry Kissinger will step up and help to negotiate world peace between Russia and Ukraine. Nobody was satisfied after signing the peace treaty after the Vietnam war, but there was finally peace.

At the time of writing, I am still in transition between cycling to jogging. I don’t like walking unless I have a dog with me. Now I have no choice, but I will see Molly soon. 12 kilometers walking as fast as I can which is currently a time of two hours. I need to improve this time by 40 percent. I’m not used to stressing my legs I can tell after walking. Tomorrow I have my next practice and I will see how I feel after that. In addition, I must be careful so I don´t get a training injury. So much to consider before jogging properly.

When I was in France in June, I walked. The picture above is from an evening walk. I am lucky that I can walk along the water in Stockholm. It feels a bit like France.

Stay safe 🐾

These days go by so fast

A few weeks ago I was asked “in what shape will you be in 15 years?”. It was a provoking question, and the first thing that came to my mind was: I really hope I can move my body. That my body will allow me to move easily in everyday life without minor restrictions. It was mainly that. Today there are so many admirable centenarians. The days go by so fast. I know there is hope.

After turning 50 years old after New Year’s, I probably had a little crisis. I realized that I have to be active myself, in order to maintain my mobility. In February this year, I signed up for these races:


                         Midnight Run – 17 August 2024 (10 km)

                         Ladie´s run – 31 August 2024 (10 km)

                         Hässelby race – 13 October 2024 (10 km)


The first race is in a month. I will be there even if I don’t reach my dream time of 59 minutes. Maybe I’ll reach it in the last race. The biggest adjustment for me is switching from cycling to jogging.

I’ve been to these races a few times before. Good atmosphere, competitive participants, and new energy. Sometimes friends join me and it seems that some of them are hanging out on the Ladie´s mile!

My identity was stolen on Facebook about two weeks ago. This has been difficult. The old account is gone and I have started a new one. I felt helpless when this happened. Even though it doesn’t solve the problem itself, I wanted to do something. A new driver’s license is on the way. On Wednesday I am going to the police to arrange a completely new ID card. And for those of you reading this; a new Facebook account exists.

Stay safe 🐾